Short term child care services

The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (MLL) offers you help with child care. The League’s child care service is meant to meet temporary and short term needs for child care assistance, around the clock, also on weekends.

The Mannerheim League for Child Welfare has a pool of babysitters. They are trained and suitable to work with children. In addition to initial training, MLL also provides advanced training, supervision and counseling to babysitters on a regular basis.

Short term child care service is available for example when

  • a parent is on a business trip, in a meeting, or studying
  • parents need a break for hobbies or to spend some time together
  • the child’s permanent caregiver is ill

How to order a MLL babysitter in Pori/Ulvila/Rauma?

A booking can be made in two ways, either by offering a job directly to a babysitter or by leaving the booking to be taken care of by the babysitter agency.

Family will be babysitter's employer (read the instructions below).

One babysitter can take care of maximum 4 children at a time.


Babysitters are to be paid in cash after finishing their work, according to the nearest full hour. Pay recommendation of MLL’s child care is 10 euros per hour in Satakunta area. The minimum beginning payment is two hours. Wages are to be paid for the hours that were booked, even if the family arrives home earlier.

Sunday working is regulated under section 20 of the Working Hours Act (Työaikalaki). For Sunday work, families must pay babysitters a 100 % supplement, i.e. 20 euros per hour in Satakunta. This higher rate is also payable on religious holidays, the May Day holiday and Finnish Independence Day.

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